Easy grafting of apple trees. Splice grafting and whip and tongue grafting
Since most fruit trees do not come true from seed, vegetative propagation must be used.
Splice grafting is an easy method, when you wich to make a new apple tree from a scion and a rootstock. It's also possible to graft a new apple variety to an existing apple tree.
Tools i use for grafting. A sharp knife, grafting tape and a grafting planer(balsa planer). |
When you are ready to make scions, cut off the tip and base of the shoot. The remaing portion of the stem is used to make scions each containing two to tree buds. |
If you hold your scions wood and the knife this way, you won't cut your fingers. |
After making the knife cuts I generally refine the cut with a sharp balsa planer to ensure perfect joints. Perfect joints are one of the main factor for success with splice grafting. See Experiments with grafting. |
If the scions and the rootstock have the same thickness, I make a bevel cuts in both. |
Side grafting. Often are the rootstock thicker than the scions. Then i make a bevel cut in the scions, but only cut some of the side of the rootstock. |
If both cuts are of equal size, it will ensure good cambian to cambian contact. But if the width of the two parts dont fit together, make them flush in one side. |
Always let the cut on the scions be visible over the rootstock. The wound heals from the graft and downward. |
Wrap the grafting with grafting tape and seal the top of the scions with grafting wax, and the work are done. |
Whip and tongue grafting |
Whip and tongue grafting consists of the same steps as splice grafting, but there is one more step. |
After You made the bevel cuts in stock and scion, identical cuts are made in both stock and scion approximately 1/3 from the tip. |
Both pieces will slide together. Natural pressure is generated by the interlocking tongues of the whip and tongue graft. Seal the graft with grafting tape and grafting wax, an the job is done. |