
Budding is accomplished by inserting a single bud of the desired cultivar into the stock in contact with the cambium. Chip-budding can be done late summer, when growth is still active.

Synlig knop på podekvist

Collect "budsticks"of the cultivar to be propagated from vigorous current season growth. Chose well developed buds.

Any sideshoots on the lower part of the rootstock should be cleanly pruned of.
Podekvist til chip-budding

Remove the leave from the petiole on the scion wood. The petiole can be used for handling the bud.
Make a small back cut under the bud.

Cut the the bud free down to the back cut.

Fritskåret podekvist
Remove the chip-bud by holding the petiole.

Podekvist sættes på plads

Cut out a piece from the rootstock of same size to fit the chip-bud.

Podekvist er sat på plads
Place the chip-bud on the rootstock.

Chippudding med podetape

Secure the chip-bud with grafting tape.
If the budding succeed, the petiole will drop of after 14 dayes.
Springtime next year the bud will start growing and forming the new tree. Then remove the part of the rootstock over the bud.



Grafting of apple trees
Grafting of apple trees
step by step

About, apple trees from seed, apple tree varieties, chip budding, grafting, rootstocks, scions, T-budding